Sonntag, 1. Juni 2014

Beach with my besties!

Hei guys, so today it was pretty hot outside so my friends and I decided to go to the beach.
It was really fun ;D And OMG they had free pink lemonade! :D
So that was great!
Hope you had good day too, byeee!

Bath & Body Works candle love!

My favorite candle ever! Which one is yours?
I am totally obsessed with this book, it´s just such a cute story!
What I love about this book,is that it´s so realistic and true!

The author: Laura Buzo
Name:Love and other perishable items
costs: $17.99 (US)
          $20.99 (CAN)

Pancake time!

These are my very tasty and good looking self-made pancakes, let me tell u they tasted even better than they looked!
Btw the brown thing to your right is nutella :D

Recept by my granny!
But I found a similar one on YouTube:

Indonesia,Pasific Ocean

2 years ago we went on a trip through Indonesia ,thanks to ma daddy.
I`ll never forget this time, it´s definitely one of the most beautiful countries in the entire world!
We saw soo many different animals, we were diving with sharks we saw all of those colorful reefs and fishes.
It was just a great time! <3

The beautiful Rochefort (Belgium)

Strawberry-Banana Smoothie #healthy